Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Baseball, Apple Pie, and Atheism-an American funeral

~ A funeral, but a future for an Atheist~
That is all you got.
Your theory put to the test. Well I still have not anything coming out of that turd spell, and another 100 billion years have went by; nor do I see any human head formulate out of Shamu the whale, and my families 100 billion year Bible company is going along great; giving out all of Stephen Meyer's books on Intelligent Design with all those other non-scientists folks. While Richard Dawkins or Eugenie Scott or Michael Shermers have yet to show a finger grown out of a tree. Though I know that all those cross mutation DNA labs that have been still trying to cross mutate man into animal, to prove that those structures are compatible and they indeed all came from one another. They still claim that they are the greatest science on it all. As all the money went to their discovery and there.
They were all the science for billions of years. With them seeing none of their ancestors come again, out of old birth.
Evolution or Natural Process has looked to have stalled. Meanwhile humans still birth humans, and trees still birth trees, birds still birth birds. And the creative Intelligent Design process of things still goes on- in amongst life.
No, if one has right as their standard and has the key to utter profound discernment to do with science, but then you would have then everything to live for as an Atheist. Atheists telling me that they have everything to live for on earth for their fact they go into devoid matter. Because they go into nothing again, to that great mosh posh of ever regenerating soup mix of life and creation, and them to be seen again in ---another 100 billion year cycle. Man, you have the key of life then. So don't ever you Atheists sell yourself short. Do as thou wilt now. You have an eternal hydrogen bubble, the forever primordial gas feature to go back to, the illusory entitlement to what is all your given right, as really nothing is so confounded for when you go back to all of that. I will probably have my future son and daughter visit you down at the Pacific Ocean when you and your cousins swim- if you die before I do.
Or all my children will go down and see your cousins down at the sanitation department: who we have not yet quite seen yours develop thoroughly "who knows?' if you are yet out of the erroneous turd spell. Or maybe when your best friends come out of the ground as a tree, “let's cut you down and make a Bible; more Bibles out of them.” Or I will Intelligently Design an air plane out of you-, let you grace majesty that you have or have not understood or notice to see in your current physical state. I will have to read to you over like this again. What a devout poem to the Atheist, I wrote it in 5 minutes here. I hope that all you Atheists who think you just --- destroy us- illiterate Christians by your brain detachment as you severed all ties to religion but adjoin in death to all us as creation.
Evidently for understanding the key of life, you have come to the point of losing your intelligence again. Or you gain so much for being so much in confused intelligence again. As who knows what you formulate into now there. All that for you being the sure right. The sure understanding. The sure pursuit. You become mixed up all again. The utter irreverence that comes to finding and being the utter true truth and righteous understanding of things.
This all going back to a big bang.
M.J. “The Rooster” Young or just call me Mike

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